Monthly Archives: April 2015

Words Can Never Harm You (Unless It’s a Cyclone)


When you ask a citizen of a coastal area in Florida or Louisiana what they fear the most, hurricanes are likely to get top billing. These tropical cyclones can range anywhere from sixty to well over 2500 miles in diameter,

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Posted in General

New Insurance Regulations for Uber and Lyft Drivers in Florida


The advent of new technologies opens up new frontiers and creates new challenges. Ride-sharing is one of the newest changes introduced by the age of the smartphone, openly challenging conventional cab companies on their own territory. However convenient, services such

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Posted in Insurance

Hoarding: A Homeowner’s Nightmare

Homeowners Insurance

The joy of collecting and exhibiting your possessions has been the foundation of many successful and rewarding hobbies. However, there is a point where it becomes a problem, when collecting becomes hoarding and spins out of control. As the American

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Posted in Homeowners Insurance

Insurance Scoring Explained


You may have heard the terms “insurance score” and “insurance credit score” but not really have understood them. Despite the presence of the word “credit,” this has nothing to do with your credit score, but is instead based on the

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