Monthly Archives: July 2016

Is there a Car Bubble?

Everyone has heard of real estate bubbles, stock market bubbles, commodity bubbles, but can there be such a thing as a car bubble? The economy is improving, and people are more secure about taking out loans and lines of credit.

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Posted in Auto, Auto Insurance, Personal Insurance

OUCH! The Costs of Fixing Your Car are Getting Higher

As cars become more technologically advanced, repairing them after a collision is becoming a more expensive proposition. Repair claim costs have risen an average of 17 percent over the last ten years. Why? As cars become more technologically advanced, repair

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Posted in Auto, Auto Insurance, Personal Insurance

Miami Condo Boards Ripping Off Consumers

Almost everyone in SoFlo has read the Miami Herald’s article about condominium boards thumbing their noses at the law by charging exorbitant fees. Just because people don’t know it’s illegal does not make it alright. Instead of charging the $100

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Posted in General